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CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST REPORT...............Vincent Patricelli GLENDALE ATARIFEST: FIRST LOOK......................John Nagy CODEHEAD SOFTWARE UPDATE........................Press Release Z*NET ATARIWATCH 1991 CALENDER............................... ZEN-ST GAMING NEWS........................................... THE AUTUMN 1991 ST-TT BULLETIN BOARD LIST........John Lockard Z*NET SOFTWARE SHELF...........................Ron Berinstein ======================================================================= THE EDITORS DESK ---------------- by Ron Kovacs ======================================================================= The Glendale Atarifest is on as we speak. Look for a live show floor update this Saturday at 7pm eastern time (4pm pacific) in Room #1 in the GEnie ST RTC. John Nagy will be reporting live or via phone at that time and take questions from anyone interested. This is released on the 14th! ======================================================================= Z*NET NEWSWIRE -------------- ======================================================================= FRIDAY THE 13th BAD LUCK DEBUNKED Z*Net wants everyone to know that we have no elements of superstition or triskaidekaphobia in our staff. We are releasing this issue of Z*Net on SATURDAY the 14th ONLY in order to include a first look at the GLENDALE show, in progress this weekend. Really. We're not afraid of a thing. Nope. Not us. Really. Knock on wood! 1.44 MEG FLOPPY FOR STe, TT NEAR According to workers at Atari, testing is nearly completed on their new disk controller chip that will allow use of 1.44 meg disk drives in the new computers. The old chip is socketed, so field upgrades will be easy: open, change the chip and the drive mechanism, and you have working 1.44 meg drives. The older chip was made by Western Digital and would not operate fast enough to keep up with the ST computers at the higher density. Atari's upgrade may at least at first be limited to Mega STe and TT computers, as it needs a 16 mHz clock signal to operate. The older machines and the 1040 STe run at 8 mHz, although there is hope that ways to tap another clock source within these machines will enable the new chip to be adapted to them as well. Timetable for release is still unknown... but getting much closer. NEW STEREO REPLAY FROM MICHTRON The first Stereo sound sampler for the Atari ST line of computers has been released by Michtron/Microdeal. Stereo Replay is a new hardware cartridge that will sample true stereo inputs at 8, 12, and 16 bit resolutions. It also has phono plug line outputs to allow any ST, not just STe units, to output the stereo CD quality samples to any home sound system. Stereo Replay is now available for $179.95. Replay 8 has been reduced in price to $149.95, and Stereo Replay Professional is offered at $249.95. it includes a stereo editor program and offers remarkable cut and paste features even between samples of different formats (resolution and mono/stereo). Michtron, 3201 Drummond Plaza, Newark, DE 19711, 302-454-7946. STADDON QUITS ATARI Atari UK Marketing Manager Peter Staddon has quit and taken a better job offer from RMT a computer supply firm. Atari spokesman Peter Walker told Atari ST User Magazine that Atari does not have a policy of matching offers from other companies and regretted Staddon's decision. No replacement has been named. TOS 2 UPGRADE LAUNCED Atari ST User Magazine reports in the September issue that owners of the Atari STFM or STE's will soon be offered the operating system of the Mega STE as a 512K upgrade ROM. The main improvement in TOS 2 is the desktop which s similar to version 3 in TT. Sources told the magazine that a September release is expected but Atari refused to comment. NEW MODELS NEXT YEAR In an interview with Europress, Sam Tramiel said that the Commodore Amiga and the STE are basically equal machines and the STE could look forward to an exciting 1992. He also said that next year's CeBit show will be the launching ground for many new hardware products, and promised 4 new ST-based models next year. VGA ON THE ST Wittich Computer of Germany has produced an adaptor for the ST that will enable VGA emulation on the ST. The adaptor plugs into the Mega internal expansion port and supports up to 1280 x 1024 at 16 colors. LIGHTGUN SOFTWARE SUPPORT Trojan recently released three software titles to support the release of their Lightgun for the ST. The gun was initially released with two game titles and will be followed with two more by Christmas. US Gold and Ocean are also said to be working on software to support the product. PERSONAL PUBLISHING UPDATE 1992 will bring a cover story about Atari ST Desktop publishing to Personal Publishing Magazine. Stay tuned for details!! TT TO VGA MONITOR Expressworks in the UK has a cable available now that will connect your TT to a Eizo Flexscan 6500 twenty-one inch greyscale VGA monitor. For more information contact, Expressworks, 75 Hearth Lane, Upper Hale, Farnham, Surrey, England, GU9 0PX. Phone 011-02520726255. "TIMEWORKS" PUBLISHER 2 FOR ATARI Seen at Dusseldorf's huge Atari show was a new desktop publishing program calling itself "Timeworks Atari Desktop Publisher II", a completed and impressive update of the workhorse but outdated DTP system many of us still use and more of us began with. At this time it is unknown how and when the program will migrate to the USA, or even what it will be called. Timeworks, a USA company that marketed the original product (along with Word Writer and other titles), will almost certainly NOT be involved in the new version at all, and the name Timeworks was only on the pre-release version in order to clue viewers of it as to its heritage. The new version builds on the easy features of the original program (by UK's GST Holdings), and includes multiple documents, FSM GDOS support, and more. Based on the popular format of VENTURA PUBLISHER for the IBM series of computers, some users may find the new "Timeworks" package to be a good home compliment when Ventura is used at their workplace. PROSPERO LAUNCHES NEW TT FORTRAN A new compiler for Fortran is offered by Prospero of London, England. With performance speed increases of up to five times that of the ST version running on an TT, the new compiler has been highly optimized for the 68030 and 68881/2 math coprocessors. An 800 page manual is included (!). Price is 170 pounds, that's something around $400 US. Contact Prospero, 190 Castelnau, London SW13 9DH, England, international phone +44-81-741-8531. 2600 CONNECTION NEWSLETTER Timothy Duarte offers Atari (and Sears VCS) 2600 game system owners a bi-monthly newsletter with play tips, historical trivia, classified ads, and fun articles all and only about the 2600. Recent issues contained parts of a 26 page listing of all the carts ever released for the 2600, plus reviews of new (yes, Virginia, NEW) releases for the mini game system that started the whole craze over 13 years ago. He's been at this for over a year now, and the Summer '91 issue was eight interesting pages. Subscriptions are available for $5 a year. Make Checks payable to Tim Duarte, 14 Blackburn Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719-4334, 508-997- 1983. EXTENTION GRANTED TO TENGEN A U.S. District Court Judge in San Francisco granted a request by Tengen to extend the stay of a preliminary injunction granted to Nintendo until ten days past completion of the appellate process. The Court has not yet established a trial date for the $100 million anti-trust lawsuit, which was filed by Atari Games and Tengen in December 1988. The lawsuit alleges that Nintendo has monopolized the U.S. home video game market through the use of an exclusive lock-out chip, punitive licensing agreements and other anti-competitive practices. SEGA ANNOUNCES COMPETITION Sega has launched a 25-shopping mall playtest competition where kids will decide which video game system has superior graphics and gameplay. Sega has created an interactive environment where its systems and software go head to head against industry rival Nintendo's and where the kids are asked to judge. The Sega World Tour '91 is being presented by Nickelodeon and features a national sweepstakes contest where a child and parent can win a trip to Universal Studios in Florida. NINTENDO LAUNCHES SNES Nintendo has finally announced that its 16-bit Super Nintendo Entertainment System is now available in stores nationwide. The new home video game system joins Nintendo's portable Game Boy and the Nintendo Entertainment System. Nationwide commercials began on Sept 6. VERDICT AGAINST APPLE OVERTURNED Apple announced that a federal district court judge has entered a favorable judgment of two former Apple officers -- A.C. Markkula, Jr. and John Vennard. The ruling held there is no evidence that Markkula and Vennard violated securities laws in connection with a 1982 announcement of a disk drive product. This action overturns the jury verdict announced in May, 1991. U.S. ROBOTICS FILES U.S. Robotics has announced the filing of a registration statement with the Securities and Exchange Commission relating to the proposed initial public offering of 3.6 million shares of common stock. ======================================================================= CONNECTICUT ATARIFEST REPORT ---------------------------- by Vincent Patricelli ======================================================================= I attended the Connecticut AtariFest Saturday and spent the entire day there. I would guess there was about 200-300 total people who attended the show, so it wasn't very big, but nonetheless very exciting. The following are the vendors that attended: Gribniff Software - Rick Flashman and company was displaying several new exciting programs. They were taking advance orders on Stalker 3.0 which should be available in about a week....it is impressive. He says it has the most extensive manual for a terminal program available for the ST, and the program operates as an accessory completely in the background, including Z-modem. The companion program Steno, a text editor as an accessory, has been released and works with Stalker....looks like a nice combo. Also, I saw a demo of a German import drawing program called Arabesque. It combines all the features of Touch Up and Easy Draw and more in one program....and boy is it fast and impressive. It should be available in about a month and will retail for $199. Rick said this is the best selling program in Germany and the only thing holding back the US release is the manual. Can't wait! Atari Explorer - John Jainschigg was there giving out free copies of the latest Atari Explorer mag. He gave a seminar on publishing which I only caught the tail end of. They have a special on subscriptions for all Genie and/or Atari user group members...$9.95 for one year (6 issues) Good deal! GFA Basic - John Barger was there displaying the latest version of this popular basic program and showing off the new IBM version on a couple of MS DOS portable computers. Owners of the ST version can purchase the IBM version for 50% off list. Step Ahead Software - Nevin Shalit was showing off his latest version of Tracker ST, an impressive, easy to use database program. I attended his seminar and he showed off 2 fantastic products, Retouche Professional and Didot. These allow the ST/TT to do things I never even say a Mac or IBM do. I was impressed!! He is currently writing the manual for these products and they are going to be distributed by Goldleaf Publishing. Retouche allows full editing of black and white or full color photos. Nevin was doing some amazing things with this program. Didot is a vector tracing program and more that has true bezier curves and allows you to set a path for text, type along the path, and do amazing distortions you wouldn't believe. Each program comes in a professional version (big $$, $2000 retail for Retouche Professional and $900 retail for Didot) and a scaled down version (smaller $, around $200-300 each). This is a big step ahead for Atari! TidBit Software - Jeff Lomicka was demoing his program, the Good Backup Utility. I also attended his seminar and he explained his philosophy for backups. His program automatically deletes old data and updates it in the free space on incremental backups and is very reliable. He said he has about 500 copies sold worldwide. I have read favorable reviews of this program. Softlogik - Bill Caferelli was showing PageStream 2.1 and all the font sets and business templates for this fantastic program. I got a chance to play with PageStream 2.1 on Bob Brodie's TT, WOW, is it impressive in high rez color, and fast, too! Taylor Ridge Books - Clay Walnum was displaying his book on C-Manship, a complete tutorial on learning to program in C on the ST, complete with a two disk set. This is his excellent series from the defunct ST-Log magazine. Alternative Hardware - Leo Taylor was displaying several unique mutant ST's including one mounted in a wooden case! Atari Computer - The hit of the show was Bob Brodie. He gave his usual honest and sincere seminars. He said FSM GDOS was finished should be shipping by November. The TT is in the lab and pending class B certification. It has a 1.44 meg floppy in the newest version. WordUp is being updated and Atari will distribute it under their own name, although probably not until next year some time. The Hotz box has sort of been put on the back burner due to lack of interest in the product. New software is being developed for the Atari CD Rom player which will allow it to use data disks from other platforms. The latest version will only have a SCSI interface and will require a host adaptor to work with the ST. He spoke about the positive reception Atari is getting with the TT in the desktop publishing market and that Atari will be advertising a full page ad in Publish! magazine in next month's issue... YEA! Also, there was Computers Ect., the local Atari dealer offering specials on all software and hardware. Paul, the owner, reported brisk sales all day. Three user groups, STARR, FACE, and the Boston Computer Society were selling PD or used software at very good prices. Unfortunately, Jim Allen from Fast Technologies didn't make the show. I heard he had a hard drive crash the day before the show. Hope he had a backup :^) I was really looking forward to seeing Turbo 20, oh well, maybe at WAACE. Also, Darlah Pine from Genie was supposed to be there, but I guess she couldn't make it, either. All in all, it was a pretty good show. It was small enough so you didn't have to fight crowds to talk to the vendors. It was announced that this will be an annual event, so I am looking forward to going again next year. ======================================================================= GLENDALE ATARIFEST: FIRST LOOK ------------------------------ by John Nagy ======================================================================= I just got home from the Friday night setup of the Southern California Atari Computer Faire, Version 5.0 (AKA The Glendale Show). It opens tomorrow (Saturday) at 10, and runs September 14 and 15, to 6 Saturday and 10 to 4 Sunday. About a third of the vendors have arrived and have set up at least part of their displays. Lots of familiar faces made it fun, and everyone was busy either working or talking. At the Gadgets by Small area, the SST 68030 unit was being prepared for show. Dave Small is without Sandy and the kids this weekend, but is being assisted by Mark Booth, who is once again offering buttons encouraging the (many) wearers to avoid a certain publication. Rod McDonald, publisher of ST INFORMER, was setting up a display of his UIS III and Universal Network. He says he is about to close a deal for a network of ST's in Chile, to be used in a newspaper. Bob Luneski (Diamond Back II) promises to upgrade owners at this show to his new version that actually can back up a hard drive FASTER by using his new compression scheme than without! He can compress the file size as much as by half, and do it FASTER than the new smaller file can be written. So, the new version does a compressed hard drive backup on half as many disks and FASTER than the already fast "normal" backup. That's under a minute a disk... and 20 meg will go on 10 disks! I got my first look at ARABESQUE from Gribnif. It integrates bitmap and vector graphics in one program and adds auto-tracing to convert IMG to GEM files. Very, very nice. STALKER II is also here, and looks like it is ready to take over as the terminal program system of choice. A new "Backtalk" script language will let it do almost anything you can imagine. Trish and Rick are here to show it, NeoDesk 3, and STeno too. Nathan Potechin of ISD will show Calamus SL in COLOR on a color projection screen for the TT in a 4 PM seminar Saturday. He'll follow Bob Brodie (1 PM) and Dave Small (2:30). The Atari area (the stage of the large Glendale Civic Center) was bustling tonight as the display was set up. Trouble erupted at the Lynx Kiosks... the new, thicker Lynx units won't fit into the brackets made for the older version. Hmmm. The Computer Network, a Glendale Atari Dealer, and Mid Cities Computer, from Bellflower CA, appear to have brought their entire store with them. TCN even has built a full show wall and covered it in bargain software. GEnie's Sandy Wilson and Jeff Williams were seen tonight, and may be filing their own reports online. Look for a LIVE report from the show floor SATURDAY at 4 PM Pacific (that's 7 PM Eastern). I'll be online in GEnie's ST RT conference area with Q & A from the show. The mini-conference will be posted as a file afterwards. That'll have to do for tonight, it's getting very late. Let's hope for well over 2,000 Atarians this weekend! Admission is $6.00, children under five free. Again this year, the Glendale show will be in the Glendale Civic Auditorium, 1401 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, California, across the street from Glendale College. For a more specific map refer to page 25-E2 of the Thomas Brothers Guide. Developers/vendors include Atari Corporation, The Computer Network, Mid- Cities Computers, Goodman's Music, Musicode, Safari Fonts, Sliccware, Clear Thinking, Micro Creations, Rio Computers, Best Electronics, Branch Always, Michtron, ADG Productions, CodeHead Software, Omnimon Peripherals, Gadgets by Small, Zubair Interfaces, ICD, Grove School of Music, S.D.S., ISD Marketing, Soft-Logik Publishing, AtariUser Magazine, PDC, Beckemeyer Development Tools, RIMIK, JRI, McDonald & Assoc., Soft- Aware, JMG, Talon Industries, Z*Net News Services, COMPO, Soft-Aware, Phil Comeau Software, D.A. Brumleve, Gribnif, and Sudden, Inc. AtariUser Magazine will have their October issue available for all Glendale show attendees as a special pre-release bonus. Z*Net will have updates of the show Saturday and Sunday, plus a full eyewitness report next weekend. ======================================================================= CODEHEAD ANNOUNCES AVANT VECTOR AND REPRO STUDIO ------------------------------------------------ Press Release ======================================================================= September 12, 1991 CodeHead Software Announces Avant Vector & Repro Studio! Automatic vectoring has arrived! CodeHead Software is releasing two powerful new high-end graphics and image manipulation packages for Atari computers -- Avant Vector and Repro Studio! We're proud to bring these excellent state of the art products to North America. At CodeHead Software we're quite selective about the software we use personally. Not very many programs get a big "WOW!" out of us. But to say that we found Avant Vector and Repro Studio impressive is a major understatement ... in fact, they blew us away! --==* Avant Vector *==-- Avant Vector is an object-oriented graphics program, with sophisticated automatic tracing abilities which allow the conversion of bit-image graphics (such as IMG files or Degas drawings) to vector graphics consisting of lines, curves, and filled shapes. Vector graphics have several big advantages over bit-image graphics; the most important is that once an image has been converted to a mathematical vector description, it can be scaled up or down to any size without losing detail or looking "blocky". Bit-image graphics can be imported into Avant Vector in many formats, including IMG, TIFF, IFF, and Degas (both compressed and uncompressed), and also vector graphics in the CVG (Calamus), GEM (GEM 3 metafile), and EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) formats. You can save vector graphics in CVG, GEM, or EPS formats (in Avant Plot) for use in desktop publishing applications. New drawings can also be created from scratch with Avant Vector, and up to seven graphics windows can be opened at once with cut- and-paste and merge functions. The graphics created by Avant Vector can be imported into most popular Atari DTP programs, and can also be printed directly from within Avant Vector itself, with support for the Atari Laser, NEC 24-pin, and Epson 9-pin printers. In a recent review of seven auto-tracing programs for the Mac, PC, and Atari ST/TT in a European magazine, Avant Vector was rated the best of the bunch! The reviewer gave Avant Vector high marks for its totally unique "manual tracing" mode, which snaps curves and points along a bit image AS YOU DRAW THEM! The most amazing thing about Avant Vector is its smooth, almost transparent interface and extremely simple, consistent operation. You can learn everything you need to get around in minutes, and be creating extraordinary graphics in no time at all! There are two versions of Avant Vector. The high-end version, Avant Plot, contains extensive plotter support for serious professional applications, and EPS file import/export features. Both Avant Vector and Avant Plot are available immediately. --==* Repro Studio *==-- Repro Studio is a next-generation graphics program with a dazzling array of professional features. Available with or without a hand-held scanner (256 gray level), Repro Studio is the first ST graphics program to let you create and edit images with true grey tones, as well as standard monochrome or color images in many different formats. In Repro Studio the dots that make up your image can be set to a grey level instead of being simply on (black) or off (white). If you have a standard ST monochrome monitor, grey scales won't be shown on screen but rather are displayed as fill patterns. But you _can_ edit them and manipulate them with Repro Studio for use with DTP applications and in professional printing situations. In addition to its grey level capabilities, Repro Studio has an enormous number of powerful tools for working with bit-image graphics, including flexible cut-and-paste functions, many shape and fill options, bezier curves, lasso and masking functions, pixel prioritizing, raster "screens" for printing purposes, anti-aliasing and dithering, the ability to combine pictures in many ways, the ability to read and use GDOS, Calamus, and Adobe Postscript fonts, and much more. Repro Studio is able to load many different types of graphics files, including IMG, TIFF, Degas, Art Director, and Neochrome formats. After editing, touching up, or scanning, images can be saved in any of the above formats, or as Postscript files. Repro Studio comes with or without a 256 gray scale scanner. It is expected to be available by the end of the year, and like its companion, Avant Vector, will work with all ST, STe, and TT computers. --==* Pricing *==-- Retail pricing for Avant Vector and Repro Studio is as follows: Avant Vector ............ $ 495 Avant Plot .............. 1195 Repro Studio ............ 195 Repro Studio w/scanner .. 895 --==* Special Introductory Prices *==-- If you place your order before December 31, 1991, you can purchase Avant Vector or Avant Plot for the following prices: Avant Vector ........... $ 445 (a savings of $50.00) Avant Plot ............. 1095 (a savings of $100.00) Order directly from us before the end of the year and save! (Most major credit cards accepted.) For further information contact: CodeHead Software PO Box 74090 Los Angeles, CA 90004 voice (213) 386-5735 fax (213) 386-5789 ======================================================================= Z*NET ATARIWATCH 1991 CALENDAR ------------------------------ Updated ======================================================================= September 14-15 (TAKING PLACE NOW) The Southern California ATARI Computer Faire, Version 5.0, also known as THE GLENDALE SHOW has been confirmed for September 14 and 15, 1991. Contact: H.A.C.K.S., 249 N. Brand Bl. #321, Glendale, CA 91203, or call John King Tarpinian, Faire Chairperson, 818-246-7286. September 20-22 Atari Expo Benelux. Organized by InterExpo and Media Holland, Phone: 010-31-040-528191. September 22 The All Formats Computer Fair Venue. City Hall, Candleriggs, Glasgow, England. This is a touring show with plenty of bargains and features public domain software. October 12-13 WAACE AtariFest '91, Sheraton Reston Hotel, Washington D.C./Virginia, contact J.D.BARNES, 7710 Chatham Road, Chevy Chase, MD 20815. October 21-25 Fall COMDEX Las Vegas Nevada November 23-24 Chicago Atari Computer Show BY ATARI. Contact Larry Grauzas, P.O. Box 8788, Waukegan, IL 60079-8788, phone 708-566-0671. Administrated by the Lake County Atari Computer Enthusiasts (LCACE). December 5-8 Computer Shopper Show at the Wembley Exhibiion Hall. February 7-9, 1992 5th Annual International 16-Bit Computer Show. ======================================================================= ZEN-ST ------ ======================================================================= ********** ********* ** ** ********* ********** *** *** *** ** *** ** *** ** **** ** ** ** *** ******* ** ** ** ********* ** *** ** ** ** ** ******** ********* ** *** ** ** **** ** ** *** *** ** *** *** ** ********** ********* ** ** ********* ** A monthly guide to new and upcoming Atari ST games -------------------------------------------------- Edited by Zenobot ----------------- A CyberSysTek Publication ------------------------- Our motto: "MS/DOS, just say no!" --------------------------------- September 1991 Edition Z Gaming News: -------------- New This Month: --------------- Domestic: --------- Not a thing... Imported: --------- --Armalyte: The Final Run (Thalamus/Arc Developments). --Cap'N'Carnage (Energize/Golden Sector). --International Athletics (Hawk). --Maupiti Island (UBI Soft/Lankhor). --Mercs (US Gold/Tiertex). --The Rainbow Collection (Bubble-Bobble/Rainbow Islands/New Zealand Story) (Ocean). --Virtual Reality Volume 1 (Carrier Command/Starglider II/International Soccer Challenge/Stunt Car Racer/Midwinter) (Elite). --Winning Tactics (Anco) for Kick-Off 2. --Zone Warrior (Electronic Arts). Budget games and re-issues: --------------------------- --Cloud Kingdoms (GBH). --Creepy (Atlantis). --Head Over Heels (Hit Squad). --James Pond (GBH). --Kid Gloves (GBH). --Resolution 101 (GBH). --Sharkey's Moll (Zeppelin). --Shufflepuck Cafe (Respray). --Stack Up (Zeppelin). --The Games: Summer Edition (Kixx). --Thunderstrike (GBH). --Typhoon Thompson In: Search For The Sea Child (Respray). --Wacky Darts (Codemasters). Top Ten Selling ST Games in the UK, August '91: ----------------------------------------------- 1) Hero Quest (Gremlin). 2) Lemmings (Psygnosis/DMA Design). 3) Pro Tennis Tour 2 (UBI Soft/Blue Byte). 4) Armour Geddon (Psygnosis). 5) Gods (Renegade/Bitmap Brothers). 6) War Zone (Core). 7) 3D Construction Kit (Domark). 8) Life And Death (Mindscape). 9) Winning Tactics (Anco). 10) Manchester United Europe (Krisalis). Sierra Does The "Development Limbo"... -------------------------------------- Here's the last word on the "Sierra Situation": I talked with Srini Vasan, Sierra's International Sales Director, and he stated that all new ST products were on hold for now. He was quick to point out that they were not cancelled. No word on a release date, though. ...And SSI Joins In... ---------------------- Some joker mentioned that SSI had released Renegade Legion Interceptor and Conflict: Middle East for the ST. Don't you believe it!!! Those 2 games were released for the Amiga, no the ST. I called up SSI and they said they had absolutely nothing planned for the ST as of now. The last thing they released was Curse Of The Azure Bonds. Gentlemen (and ladies), start your word processors!! ...While Lucasfilm Goes Half Way. --------------------------------- As of now, Lucasfilm doesn't have any plans to release ST versions of Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe or Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis. So, I have taken them off the guide for now... However, they do have the Finest Hour Mission Disk and LeChuck's Revenge still on the drawing board! Licensing Hit List: ------------------- Mirrorsoft has negotiated the rights to Aliens III and will release a game on its Imageworks label sometime in '92. If you have any questions, comments, criticisms or suggestions, you can contact Zenobot at the O'Mayer V BBS (213-732-0229, 1200/2400/9600), the Jungle BBS (213-254-9534, 2400/9600), or on GEnie (ABITTON1). This article was taken directly from the latest edition of ZEN-ST and cannot be edited in anyway. This reprint is provided for information and contains only the NEWS portion of the online magazine. The full version is available on the BBS systems above and the Z*NET BBS. ======================================================================== THE AUTUMN 1991 ST-TT BULLETIN BOARD LIST ----------------------------------------- Copyright 1991 John Lockard ======================================================================= This text can be put onto bulletin boards, online services, and disks. Boards Inside PC Pursuit's Exchanges. This section is for users of PC Pursuit. Those who do not subscribe to this service, please follow the directions in the `Boards Outside Of PC Pursuit's Exchanges' section for these numbers. (Area Code) D/STCTY/ |Baud Rates| .Prefix. City, State .Prefix. Phone Number |Baud Rates| Software Board's Name (Area Code) This is the area code that the board is located in, This number can be ignored by PC Pursuit users, only the D/STCTY/ and .Prefix. codes are needed to reach the bulletin board. D/STCTY/ is outdial's name. ST stands for state and CTY for city. |Baud Rates| are the baud rates available from the outdial. Also listed below this is the baud rates for the bulletin boards. Baud rates are shown as 3|12|24|96|192 or 6|12|24|48|144. Low Medium High ISDN 3 - 300 Baud 12 - 1200 Baud 144 - 14400 Baud D - 16000 Baud 6 - 600 Baud 24 - 2400 Baud 174 - 17400 Baud B - 64000 Baud 48 - 4800 Baud 192 - 19200 Baud 96 - 9600 Baud 384 - 38400 Baud ISDN is direct digital connection to the phone companies switch through standard phone lines or fiber optic cable, available in 1992. Standard phone lines will probably offer a rate of 2B+D. .Prefix. are the numbers you put in front of the board's phone number to reach the outdial's extended area. For example, SCAT 231-7227 has a prefix of 1708, so the outdial command would be ATDT17082317227. The prefix numbers have been placed in front of the listed bulletin board phone numbers for automatic dialing programs to use. City, State: locate the BBS within geographical areas, with City sometimes refering to the metropolitian area. Software is the current bulletin board program and version. These are the board types that I can recognize, most of the time. 1rst Base BB/ST Carina Citadel Express ST Forem ST Fortress Michitron Sanctum Stadel Searchlight Spitfire Starnet Turbo Wildcat Board Name is without the BBS at the end to save space. (203) D/CTHAR/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Hartford, Conneticut ..... 229-9833 3|12|24|..|... Other.... 1.0a Ultra Project (206) D/WASEA/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Seattle, Washington ..... 271-8613 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Budget Board ..... 854-0193 3|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 2.05 Baker Street (212) D/NYNYO/ 3|12|24|..|... .... New York City, New York ..... 569-4118 .|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.7v The Midnight Caller (213) D/CAGLE/ 3|12|24|..|... 1213 Glendale, California 1213. 461-2095 .|12|24|96|144 Michtron. 3.00 Code Head Quarters 1213. 841-0347 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.7v M.I.D.I. World Network (213) D/CALAN/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Los Angeles, California ..... 254-9534 .|..|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 1.0d ST Jungle ..... 320-1541 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.10 Torrance Forem ..... 379-3796 3|12|24|96|192 UBBS..... 2.0f Hitch Hikers Guide ..... 461-2095 .|12|24|96|144 Michtron. 3.00 Code Head Quarters ..... 634-8993 3|12|24|96|192 Express.. 1.30 Target Range ..... 841-0347 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.7v M.I.D.I. World Network (214) D/TXDAL/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Dallas, Texas ..... 251-1175 3|12|24|96|... Express.. 1.71 The Psychlo Empire ..... 264-2415 .|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Alien ..... 557-2329 .|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 2.05 The Melting Pot ..... 669-3144 3|12|24|96|... Express.. 1.30 Professional Forum ..... 987-2494 3|12|24|..|... Turbo ST. 1.00 The Best Of Both Worlds (215) D/PAPHI/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ..... 677-9721 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Buffaloe's ..... 755-0166 .|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 2.05 The Bat Cave ..... 755-6743 .|..|24|96|192 Turbo ST. 2.05 ST World ..... 879-8886 3|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 2.05 Starlight (216) D/OHCLE/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Cleveland, Ohio ..... 228-7335 3|12|24|..|... Search Lt 2.15 Computer Professionals (301) D/DCWAS/ 3|12|24|..|... .301 Washington, DC .301. 460-6030 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 The Eighth Dimension .301. 894-8516 3|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 2.05 Thieve's Guild .301. 924-3771 3|12|24|..|... PC Board. 14.5 Hallucination (303) D/CODEN/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Denver, Colorado ..... 469-4954 3|12|24|..|... Stadel... 3.3d Four Wheeling (305) D/FLMIA/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Miami, Florida ..... 271-0688 3|12|24|96|144 Michtron. 3.00 A.S.I.M. Line 1 ..... 598-2416 3|12|24|96|144 Michtron. 3.00 A.S.I.M. Line 2 (312) D/ILCHI/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Chicago, Illinios ..... 334-7468 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.2r Rune Quest II (314) D/MOSLO/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Saint Louis, Missouri ..... 275-2040 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.8u Flash (317) D/ININD/ .|12|24|..|... .... Indianapolis, Indiana ..... 353-9326 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 ST Archive (404) D/GAATL/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Atlanta, Georgia ..... 425-2718 .|..|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.30 Marietta ..... 521-0445 3|12|24|..|... Fortress. 2.ad Fortress R&D ..... 659-5720 3|12|24|96|192 Stadel ST 3.3d Overmind (407) D/FLORL/ .|12|24|..|... .... Orlando, Florida ..... 381-5403 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.51 Top Gun ..... 658-1425 3|12|24|..|... Simplex.. 1.04 Starship ..... 831-1613 .|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 1.00 Twilight Zone ..... 886-1632 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 McDonald's Computer ..... 896-5772 3|12|24|..|... Quick BBS 2.66 Bullwinkle's Corner (408) D/CASJO/ 3|12|24|..|... .... San Jose, California ..... 245-5827 .|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 Online Club ..... 249-7916 3|12|24|96|192 Express.. 1.30 Realm Of Wonder ..... 255-6288 3|12|24|..|... Fortress. 2.ad The Paladin's Temple ..... 287-8399 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Crime Bytes ..... 353-4669 3|12|..|..|... Michtron. 2.17 CompuCat's LazerBreath ..... 736-8849 3|12|..|..|... Coherent. 3.10 The Rat ..... 745-2191 3|12|..|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Atari Base Line 1 ..... 745-2193 3|12|..|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Atari Base Line 2 ..... 745-2194 3|12|..|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Atari Base Line 3 ..... 745-2195 3|12|..|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Atari Base Line 4 ..... 745-2196 3|12|..|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Atari Base Line 5 ..... 972-1548 3|12|..|..|... Remote Ac 1.01 Top Gun ..... 986-0215 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 B.A.A.U.G. ..... 997-7352 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Dog House (414) D/WIMIL/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Milwaukee, Wisconsin ..... 278-5390 3|12|24|..|... BBS PC... 4.20 P.S.A. (415) D/CAOAK/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Oakland, California ..... 376-8060 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Skeleton Crue ..... 452-0350 3|12|24|96|... Remote Ac 1.01 Claw Marks ..... 526-6471 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 ST Synchronicity ..... 531-1576 .|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u Pinky's House Of Horror ..... 638-2937 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Castle Black Thorne ..... 834-1707 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.51 The Enchanter ..... 845-1789 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.7v Microworld (510 Area) ..... 939-2082 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Dragon's Weyr II (415) D/CAPAL/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Palo Alto, California ..... 361-1847 3|12|24|96|... Wildcat.. 2.50 Emerald Lake (IBM Only?) ..... 438-9387 3|12|24|..|... Carina... 0.05 W.C.S. ..... 745-7901 3|12|24|..|... Search Lt 1.76 The Wishing Well ..... 782-4402 .|12|24|96|... Michtron. 3.00 Stu's Place - Line 1 ..... 785-5367 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Stu's Place - Line 2 ..... 790-1375 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 The Tavern ..... 887-2158 3|12|..|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Stu's Place - Line 3 ..... 965-3556 .|12|24|..|... Spitfire. 3.10 The Zone ..... 965-9347 3|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 2.05 Bloom County ST ..... 967-8319 3|12|24|..|... Wildcat.. 2.55 Trembler (415) D/CASFA/ 3|12|24|..|... .... San Francisco, California ..... 531-1576 .|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u Pinky's House Of Horror ..... 758-9326 3|12|24|..|... Search Lt 2.15 Knight Court ..... 834-1707 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.51 The Enchanter ..... 878-9405 3|12|24|..|... Galacticm 1.00 Computer Rock Line 3 ..... 878-9522 3|12|24|..|... Galacticm 1.00 Computer Rock Line 4 ..... 878-9602 3|12|24|..|... Galacticm 1.00 Computer Rock Line 1 ..... 878-9604 3|12|24|..|... Galacticm 1.00 Computer Rock Line 2 (415) D/CASJO/ 3|12|24|..|... 1415 San Jose, Calfornia 1415. 438-9387 3|12|24|..|... Carina... 0.05 W.C.S. 1415. 965-3556 .|12|24|..|... Spitfire. 3.10 The Zone 1415. 967-8319 3|12|24|..|... Search Lt 1.30 Trembler (503) D/ORPOR/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Portland, Oregon ..... 246-9712 3|12|24|..|... Stadel... 3.3c 3cpu ..... 254-1754 3|12|24|..|... Fortress. 1.ca Missing Persons League ..... 297-6542 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.8t S.T.E.P. (516) D/NYHEM/ .|12|24|..|... .... Hemptead, New York ..... 433-3309 3|12|24|..|... Fortress. 2.ad Byteways ..... 791-4556 .|12|24|96|144 Express.. 1.30 Mega Party Place (516) D/NYNYO/ 3|12|24|..|... 1516 New York City, New York 1516. 433-3309 3|12|24|..|... Fortress. 2.ad Byteways 1516. 791-4556 .|12|24|96|144 Express.. 1.30 Mega Party Place (602) D/AZPHO/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Phoenix, Arizona ..... 242-3686 3|12|24|..|... 1rst Base 2.05 ST Base Express ..... 285-9246 3|12|24|96|... ST Base.. 2.05 Ompher's ..... 938-8288 3|12|24|96|192 Stadel ST 3.3d Next Generation (612) D/MNMIN/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Minneapolis, Minnesota ..... 426-8627 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 Source Machine ..... 544-5118 3|12|24|96|144 Forem Pro 1.0b Flight Line ..... 782-9845 3|12|24|..|... Stadel ST 3.3d MIDIapolis (617) D/MABOS/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Boston, Massachusetts ..... 328-9230 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Question Mark ..... 391-6745 3|12|24|96|... Michtron. 3.00 BCS Line 2 ..... 396-4607 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 BCS Line 1 ..... 567-8642 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Toad Hall ..... 891-7338 3|12|24|..|... Stadel... 3.3d Blade (703) D/DCWAS/ 3|12|24|..|... .703 Washington, DC .703. 250-7303 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.30 Merlin's Litterbox .703. 425-5824 3|12|24|..|... PC Board. 14.5 Hallucination .703. 450-3910 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 A.R.M.U.D.I.C. .703. 941-8471 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 T.A.S.K. (708) D/ILCHI/ 3|12|24|..|... 1708 Chicago, Illinois 1708. 213-9299 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Northwest Passage 1708. 231-7227 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 S.C.A.T. 1708. 250-0968 3|12|24|96|144 Forem TT. 2.7v The Graveyard 1708. 310-9014 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.8u Outpost 1708. 423-1568 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u Midwest Connection 1708. 456-6875 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u ST Center 1708. 457-2219 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.71 Blue Moon 1708. 680-5105 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Python (L.C.A.C.E.) 1708. 789-3610 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u Code One 1708. 830-6387 3|12|24|96|192 Forem ST. 2.8u ST Scruncher 1708. 894-9241 .|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 2.05 Software Syndicate (713) D/TXHOU/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Houston, Texas ..... 333-1273 .|12|24|..|... Tag...... 2.5g Musicians Deep Insanity ..... 339-2995 3|12|24|96|192 Turbo ST. 2.05 Megaboard ..... 480-9310 .|12|24|96|144 Forem ST. 2.8s Atari-Oh! ..... 729-7555 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8q Bit Bucket #1 ..... 776-3699 .|..|24|..|... Spitfire. 3.00 Bit Bucket #2 ..... 827-8041 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u The Floppy Wizard ..... 921-0550 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 H.A.S.T.E. ..... 944-0108 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Double Click Software ..... 992-3939 .|12|24|96|192 Forem ST. 2.8p The Metal Shop (714) D/CACOL/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Colton, California ..... 688-3204 .|..|..|96|144 PC Board. 14.5 Starlink Line 1 ..... 688-8427 3|12|24|..|... PC Board. 14.5 Starlink Line 2 (714) D/CASAN/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Santa Ana, California ..... 650-7779 .|12|24|..|... Turbo ST. 1.00 B.A.T.S (718) D/NYNYO/ 3|12|24|..|... 1718 New York City, New York 1718. 522-0768 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.51 Sherwood Forest 1718. 833-0828 3|12|24|96|144 Forem ST. 2.7v Dateline (801) D/UTSLC/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Salt Lake City, Utah ..... 967-8738 3|12|24|96|... Express.. 1.30 The Repair Shop (815) D/ILCHI/ 3|12|24|..|... 1815 Chicago, Illinios 1815. 834-1914 .|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u Rick's Cafe (908) D/NJNBR/ .|12|24|..|... .... New Brunswick, New Jersy ..... 525-9305 3|12|24|..|... TBBS.... 2.10 S.A.B.B.S. ..... 727-1914 3|12|24|96|... Turbo ST. 1.00 Hologram Inc. ..... 968-8148 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8u Z*Net Online (916) D/CASAC/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Sacramento, California ..... 487-2819 3|12|24|..|... Sanctum. 0.98 Cold Winter Knights ..... 638-9923 3|12|24|..|... Express. 1.60 Axolotl (919) D/NCRTP/ 3|12|24|..|... .... Research Triangle Park Boards that could not be reached by the network as of the last list. About 10% of the boards cannot be reached or have gone down at the time that I check the numbers. Most of the problems are with the Telenet's network, false RINGING and FAILED CALLS are common. BUSY is okay, but NOT CONNECTED usually means that the outdials modem isn't working or it isn't connected to a phone line. I usually give these numbers four or five tries on different days and times before putting them down here. I check these phone numbers again three months to see if it isn't a hard disk or other failure. (201) 298-0161 3|12|24|..|... BB/ST V99 1.20 J.A.C.G. (206) 745-4077 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 Gas ST (214) 278-6180 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Vortex (216) 582-1904 .|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 ST Nerd (303) 757-8452 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8p White Runes Of Tinuviel (408) 255-7725 3|12|..|..|... BB/ST.... 1.20 Dimensions Of Insanity (415) 351-1385 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8s The Grid (415) 758-9326 3|12|24|..|... Search Lt 2.15 Knight Court (415) 581-1787 3|12|..|..|... Starnet.. 1.24 Foster And Son (415) 587-8062 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 A.B.C.U.S. (516) 295-3827 3|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 1.00 Modem Madness (516) 867-5654 .|..|..|96|192 Turbo ST. 1.00 The Shire (612) 784-8643 3|12|24|..|... Stadel... 3.3d *** POOF *** (619) 225-9571 3|12|24|96|144 Forem ST. 2.32 ST-Net (708) 529-2375 .|..|24|96|... Turbo ST. 1.00 Dark Castle (708) 695-8617 3|12|24|96|144 Turbo ST. 1.0d Dragon's Egg II (713) 261-0556 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 The Atari ST (916) 351-0607 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Pork Chop Express (916) 339-0726 3|12|24|..|... ST Keep.. 1.90 ST Keep Boards Outside Of PC Pursuit's Exchanges. The numbers for these boards aren't repeats from the numbers in the `Boards Inside Of PC Pursuit's Exchanges' so to reach those numbers, use the (Area Code) instead of the .Prefix. slot beside the bulletin board's number for each board and then follow the standard phone book dialing directions below. If your within the city just dial the phone number, if you are outside the city but within the area code just dial a 1 before the phone number, if your outside the area then add 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. There is an exception to this rull for cities like DC, where some local calls have the area code in front of them. (201) 362-8966 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 2.10 Greystone (201) 390-9782 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 Hackers Hotline (201) 627-6880 3|12|24|96|192 Forem ST. 2.8j Ghost Hackers (201) 793-0492 .|12|24|..|... Michtron. 2.17 Atlantist (201) 840-4463 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 2.10 The Palace (201) 929-9351 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.30 Coastline (205) 244-1991 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 The Telly-Phone (205) 461-7893 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 H.A.U.G. (208) 587-7603 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 RattleSnake Station (209) 732-8520 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 2.0d The Vace Base (215) 942-3874 3|12|24|96|192 Forem ST. Pro. Threshold (219) 674-9288 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 M.O.U.S.E. (301) 969-1138 3|12|24|96|144 Turbo.... 1.0c Bit Haven (305) 344-3644 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 3.1c B.U.B.B.A. (313) 582-0888 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Bloom County (317) 842-7564 3|12|24|96|... Stadel... 3.3d Devnull (403) 288-4481 3|12|24|..|... Stadel... 3.3d Poopsi (415) 458-3659 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 Little Lulu's Playground (416) 479-2169 3|12|24|..|... Remot Acc 0.49 Atari Canada (Toronto) (504) 749-3624 3|12|..|..|... Starnet.. 1.33 Epsilon Noe (505) 525-0388 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.32 Atari C.A.L.C. (505) 897-4306 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 Asylum (516) 399-4252 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Star Scan (L.I.A.U.G.) (516) 643-4963 3|12|24|96|384 PC Board. 14.5 Bandits Hideout (609) 451-7475 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.8o Cumberland County (619) 619-7962 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.00 Computer Plus (619) 689-8157 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 S.D.A.C.E. Line 1 (619) 689-8397 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 S.D.A.C.E. Line 2 (702) 363-6066 .|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.30 Top Gun (707) 528-4259 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 3.00 Decatur Galaxy Class (707) 576-7352 3|12|24|..|... Stadel PC 2.3b Time Arts (707) 642-4636 3|12|24|..|... Teligard. 2.5i Gamer's Guild (707) 792-2572 3|12|24|..|... Michtron. 2.10 Star Trek (707) 823-3052 3|12|24|..|... Stadel PC 2.6b Interface (714) 247-3888 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.32 The Vortex (717) 765-8994 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Sarge's (717) 788-5665 .|..|24|96|... Turbo ST. 1.10 Time Warp (803) 576-6212 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. 2.8b Hyperspace I (804) 379-4156 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.30 Midnight Express (805) 987-3524 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.30 Cajun's Corner (808) 261-2184 3|12|24|..|... Wildcat.. 2.15 Muskrat's Den (809) 752-8713 3|12|24|96|... Quick BBS 2.64 Midiland (813) 397-5335 3|12|24|..|... Stadel.ST 3.3d The Darkest Realm (815) 968-2229 3|12|24|..|... Express.. 1.50 I.C.D. (817) 295-8400 .|12|24|96|... Express.. 1.30 Shade Tree Express (818) 881-0738 3|12|..|..|... Forem ST. 1.13 Port Royal (818) 993-5516 3|12|24|96|... Forem ST. 2.51 The Software Bank (902) 434-1482 3|12|24|..|... Stadel ST 3.3d B.A.U.D. (916) 723-1657 3|12|24|..|... Sanctum.. 0.98 The Mind Keep (916) 729-2968 3|12|24|..|... ST Keep.. 2.00 ST Keep (916) 791-4549 3|12|24|..|... ST Keep.. 2.00 Merlyn's Realm Busy, Old, And Unchecked Numbers. This section will to be changed in 1992. (301) 732-2501 .|12|24|..|... ......... .... Palace of Gods (405) 691-0244 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... (804) 464-4994 3|12|24|96|144 Forem.ST. .... P.B.M. Gamers (908) 290-1133 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... ACE's High (915) 751-7837 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... ST El Paso (416) 274-1225 .|12|..|..|... Forem ST. 2.10 Yellowbeard's Treasure (416) 648-8359 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... 19th Hole (416) 683-3089 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... The Brewery (416) 875-3000 .|12|..|..|... Forem ST. 2.10 Dragons Layer (519) 455-1589 .|12|..|..|... Citadel.. .... Hotel London (613) 733-4081 .|12|24|..|... Stadel... 3.3a CA New Numbers (203) 274-7803 .|12|24|96|... Forem ST. .... Billboard (203) 656-0134 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Terripin Station (209) 683-4463 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Sierra (209) 832-0835 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... The Zoo (215) 750-9065 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... ST Emporium (215) 791-2304 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Intentional Intellect (215) 945-0262 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... Star Station (216) 369-3888 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Cleaveland Free Net (301) 544-6999 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Toad Computers (301) 853-7682 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. .... Aftermath (301) 961-4463 3|12|24|..|... QiuckBBS. .... Creative Images (916) (305) 868-0211 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Atari Star (312) 974-3123 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... Night Net (408) 965-9347 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... The Pyre (415) 827-9193 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... Electronic Playground (516) 791-2156 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Cloak-N-Dagger (609) 346-1224 .|12|24|..|... ......... .... J.A.C.E. (609) 584-1950 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Paranoia (702) 644-8857 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... The Revolution (703) 641-9769 3|12|24|..|... Forem ST. .... Galifrey (713) 785-5367 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... * (714) 361-1112 .|12|24|..|... Turbo ST. .... Argonaut's (718) 714-1423 .|12|24|..|... Forem ST. .... Midgard Serpent (812) 332-0573 .|12|24|..|... ......... .... B.L.A.S.T. Canadian Numbers From The 1987 Hot-List. (205) 837-2025 .|..|..|..|192 Forem ST. .... WRB IG (207) 668-3631 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... MFS Computing (213) 518-9524 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... M.A.S.A. T.E.K. (214) 247-1210 .|..|24|..|... ......... .... Atari ST (817 also?) (214) 494-4774 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... Fort Collins (817 also?) (216) 758-0285 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... MGV Parks (313) 775-3957 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... The Wave (408) 353-8466 3|12|..|..|... ......... .... CompuCat (408) 848-6032 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... SCAUG (415) 782-8862 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... MAC Technical People (415) 839-4295 .|..|..|..|144 ......... .... Sword In Stone (505) 891-8814 3|12|..|..|... Forum.... .... Collector's Forum (607) 692-2498 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... The Enterprise (612) 472-6582 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... M.A.S.T. (615) 339-0235 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... PC Junction (615) 478-2890 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... PC Junction (618) 344-8466 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... The Garage (703) 350-6933 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Programmers Anonymous (707) 554-4048 .|..|..|96|... ......... .... Gene Pool (718) 241-4223 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Intensity (719) 390-9337 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Last Call (719) 574-7406 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Cartoon Haven (814) 833-4073 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... SAGE (815) 968-2229 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... ICD (817) 573-4190 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Barsoom (817) 690-1993 .|..|24|..|... Michtron. .... Lone Star (817) 778-2506 .|12|24|..|... ......... .... Telephone Company (904) 282-3623 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Final Frontier (904) 441-0929 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... (913) 589-1382 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... W. Maug (403) 281-9623 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Pipeline (403) 436-0328 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Temple Of Doom (403) 460-2868 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Bill's (403) 489-9757 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Last Call (416) 431-9848 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... Dragon Breath (604) 944-4848 .|..|24|..|... Express.. .... Babble West International Bulletin Boards Listing. If dialing from the United States put 011 in front of these numbers before dialing. Costs are around $1.00 to $2.00 per minute, tho. Most of these numbers are untested, so I don't know if they are running. (0532) 55 7739 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Stealth (UK) 31 .1751-13128 3|12|24|96|... BB/ST.... .... The Dutch Connection 34 .1 652-0287 3|12|..|..|... ......... .... Ataricom (Sevilla Spain) 34 .3 430-5653 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Ikaria 34 .54 76-7288 3|12|24|..|... ......... .... Microduendo (Sevilla) 34 .1 733-4983 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Proxecto Galileo 39 .2 619-3757 .|12|..|..|... Citadel.. 3.2a ST Log (Italy) 44 296 395 935 .|12|24|96|... Forem ST. .... Internet (UK) 44 81 788-0884 .|..|..|..|... ......... .... Twighlight Zone (London) 46 ..494-12997 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... Kisa Monitron (Sweden) 46 ..470-22183 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... Sorman Information 46 .0340-51117 .|12|..|..|... ......... .... First Star (Sweden) 46 .8 79-39172 .|12|24|..|... ......... .... Star 1 (Stockholm) 46 .8 79-39174 .|12|24|..|... ......... .... Star 2 (Stockholm) 47 2-13 26-59. .|12|24|96|... ......... .... A.B.K. 49 22 139-4976 .|12|..|..|... Forem ST. 2.10 CREAM II (West Germany) A Note To Sysops. In the outdial areas it costs me about $0.10 a year to verify a board, so on a quarterly basis I can check all the boards in PC Pursuit areas. However, for boards outside the outdial areas it costs me about $1.00, so I can only check about eight of these boards per month. Canadian and international boards, naturally, are not called because of cost. If your a sysop and want your board listed. You can leave a message on Atari Bases (408) 745-2196. Be sure to include Board Name, Phone Number plus Area Code, current Bulletin Board Software, and available Baud Rates. Alternatively, you can send me a post card with the same information to: John K. Lockard 4 Red Oak Circle Johnson City, TN 37604-7616 ======================================================================= Z*NET SOFTWARE SHELF -------------------- by Ron Berinstein ======================================================================= September! Again.. Yes, the summer is almost over. Well, we here at Software Shelf have declared that it isn't over yet! So, rather than being concerned about getting new clothing for school, buying those new books, registering for classes, paying for your kids to do so, celebrating the holidays, or receiving those credit card bills from your yearly vacation last month, we here at the Shelf say: "Cheer up, get out your computer, and let's get down to some serious STuff!" Well for finding out about all the serious things that are around, you came to the right place for the, "right STuff!" So, arm yourself with paper and pencil, or better yet, just open up another window, and type in some of the following filenames. That way when it's time to start downloading the new files, and it's also time to do the dishes, time to take out the trash, time to write the checks, or time to walk the dogs, you can say to your spose, "Gee, I just can't do it right now honey, I sure am busy at the computer!" Well, so that you won't be spending your computer time aimlessly, and since this meeting has been called to order, let's proceed with the new business at hand. Word processing has always been one of the most important computer uses, and when one thinks of PD word processors one thinks of ST Writer. Well, as everyone knows it was upgraded some time ago in order to accomodate the new TT technology. The author said it was to be the last upgrade. But, STWEL43.LZH has been posted! A screen re-draw bug present in all previous versions after 4.0 has now been fixed. Of course it works on all TOS's, and any ST or TT. It is GEM based, and compatible with all other previous ST Writer files. The "Help" function on edit screen provides useful information. And for viewing text files without a word processor... MINI_TX2.LZH Mini_TX2 is short version of the TX2 viewer. This is a Freeware viewer for viewing TX2, ASCII, and picture files. It supports level four TX2 files. As many of you may know the regular TX2 viewer is shareware. TX2, by the way, is that foramt which allows more "graphic creativity" to be included in text files, making them appear to be more, "magazine compatible." TX2FORMT.LZH by the way, is a complete description of the TX2 format, levels 2 through 4. It lets everyone in on adding support for that file format. ORIBIN.ZOO Origami is a powerful text editor that combines a GEM interface, a macro programming language, folding features like an outline editor, or idea processor, and the ability to filter the edit buffer through outside programs. It's an adaptation from Unix source. You can reconfigure the key bindings to make Origami act like most any word processor. And while on the subject of word proccesing... COMMTOOL.ARC has John Eidsvoog's new program for allowing you to deal realistically with Mictron Version 3 BBS message areas. As anyone who has ever sent a message on that popular BBS format might recall, editing those messages was never easy. NOT ANY MORE! Commtool automatically detects the service to which you are connected (it will work on GEnie, Delphi, CIS.) and allows you to edit messages and mail using a full screen and the standard text editing features. Full documentation is included. I cannot tell you how much I suggest this program. (So I won't try! ) ABBREV.ARC has the new demo of Abbreviator ST from CorCom Software Products. While on the subject of making typing easier I thought I'd mention this, as the program expands your abbreviations as you type, saving time and keystrokes, and reducing typos. This is a fully functional demo except that it is limited to nine abbreviations at once. (So, it might not be so, "FULLY" functional!) And we might as well talk about printer drivers... L_JETII.ARC is a set of HP L-JETII emulation printer drivers for Word Writer. The printer the author has is a Epson EPL-7000 with a UDP 65-1 cartridge. He hopes that you will find this file useful. IBMLASER.ARC The author might be the only ST user with an IBM Laser printer. In the remote chance that he's not, here's a little program that will allow you to set the emulation mode (either postscript, HP Laserjet, HPGL, or IBM) without using the front panel switches or turning off and on the printer. And let's DUMP the following on you too! HP_HIREZ.LZH This is a fast screen dump driver for the HP DeskJet series printers. HI-REZ ONLY! It should also work fine with HP LaserJets. This driver replaces the normal Alt-Help function and automatically "revives" the DeskJet if necessary. Screen dumps can be aborted at anytime by pressing Undo. JTDUMP.ARC Allows you to send a screen dump to a diskfile (rather than to a printer when you press ALT+HELP) It does not utilize the GEM menu bar so the dump to disk can often be performed from within a non-GEM program. PRSAVE.ARC is a screen dump utility for owners of laser printers that don't have Epson emulation compatibility. It also allows you to send a screen dump to disk. And how about a BONUS program, a system font organizer! LVANTE.ARC This is a system font editor for all 3 resolution character sizes and an accessory to use those fonts while in a GEM text editor (Word Writer, Flash, etc.). It allows you to create foreign characters & symbols for your screen. It's not GDOS. The font editor has Russian menus, but is pretty intuitive. Comes with a Cyrillic font. See the companion program LVAPRN.ARC for printing. And for those that have a hard time reading anything! ZOOM.LZH ZOOM zooms in on a small part of a monochrome screen. The magnified image is contained inside a non-resizable window, and the image changes when you move the window. MONO ONLY - TT or ST mode. EYEDROP.ARC Eye Drops claims to be an amazing program that will cure you of eye fatigue! Based on a Mac program called "Eyelixer," this program's description says it will relieve your stress after a long day slaving away at the ST! It has different levels of "eye washing" -- see if you can find the secret message! Also, contains another neat surprise.. from KRYSTALWARE and 100% free! Mono only. Now onwards for our monthly section on shells and compression formulas.. [I wonder if they have any filed up peanut shells?] :) EDMSHL11.LZH contains EDM Shell version 1.10. A new, easy-to-use ARC/ LZH/ZIP/ZOO shell with configurable command lines. It uses the new EDM interface. Shareware. ZOOSHL05.ZOO This is the author's "first cut" at producing a GEM shell to make it easier to use ZOO.TTP. This is a beta-test version of ZOOSHELL; your comments (email to him via GEnie) are being solicited. ZOO21.ARC is version 2.1 of the ZOO archiver, packed with old-fashioned ARC. ZOO 2.1 has all the portability and directory handling features of the earlier versions, plus it has an optional high-compression Lempel- Ziv routine for smaller archives than the tested versions of LZH. LZH201D.LZH Quester LHarc program, version 2.01d. This is the most complete, lh5 compatible program for the ST! It works fine with Arcshell 2.6A, allows recursive directories, it's very fast, and is suppost to generate the smallest archives of any of the compression programs on the ST (at this time). It probably is a must have for the serious telecomunications person. And for all of you who like to keep up to date, I'll bet you'll like these: TELEBA18.LZH TELEBASE is a fully GEM-based phone/fax number manager for ST, STe and TT computers. It aids users in storing and retrieving phone/fax numbers, dialing the numbers (modem required), and keeping important notes with each number. This is an easy program to use as it places on one screen simple to read boxes, each one containing a name. They may be organized into group screens as such. It has some nice features and a user friendly interface. PUMPUP.LZH This is a little Diskformatter from Claus Brod (who wrote the book "Scheibenkleister" about Floppies and Hard Drives for ST) Runs as an ACC, or as a PRG, various formats supported (incl. 1.44M) the docs and the program are in German. They are relatively easy though to figure out. SPEEDMET.LZH is a benchmarking program that runs as either a desk accessory, or a GEM program (APP). The documentation and the dialog box is in German, but the program is very easy to use. To exit, hold down the ALT, CONTROL, or either SHIFT key. Results are shown graphically and numerically with a bar that goes from 0% to 1200% of a normal ST, where 100% is normal. CHKHD81.LZH is a thorough hard disk checker, like RATE_HD, from Germany. The (extensive) docs are in English; the dialog boxes are in German. There are a few different features than RATE_HD. And for this week's edition to the wonderful revolving world of the games people play... CASINO.ARC is a new Black Jack game for the Portfolio. POKERSQR.ARC is for those of you who like solitaire and enjoy poker as well. Poker Squared runs on any ST with a monochrome monitor. Uses the ZeST interface for the NeXT desktop look. Freeware. KLATRIX.ZIP is a Tetris clone made in STOS by Mats Hogberg from Sweden. Runs in Color. DMLTN_13.ARC is DEMOLITION MAN 1.3, a new version of the puzzle game by Clayton Walnum. The following changes have been made to the program: runs in both color and monochrome - Squares can be marked with question marks as well as flags, and the - DEGAS format screen has been replaced with smaller data files. NOIDS_75.ARC is a newer version of NOIDS which supports ALL ST family computers... For another "angle" on the ST computer: LEXICOR.LZH contains a transcript of the Lexicor Conference held on GEnie recently. Download this if you are interested in the Lexicor Phase4/Antic Cyber STuff... QRTST.LZH QRT-Raytracing program for the ST. Ported from the Amiga. It outputs RAW 24-bit files, and has a Spectrum covertor. TOY_CAD.LZH is a new CAD designed to allow graphic animations to be included in your own programs. Also an essay describing a new environmental solution to some common problems. QSTHARD.LZH QRT sample pic of a metallic ball in brick room... AMAZE.ARC This is a port of the neat maze demo that makes such a great gee-whiz on high end workstations. Also, impressive on the TT. It draws and solves mazes in a self running random demo. Added are extensions to allow you to try to solve the mazes yourself, and you can compare your score with the computer's solution. FPLANET.LZH Allows you to generate a landscape with fractals, and then view it as a planet's surface. Fast generator, and the planet function is pretty good. Also allows you to save the landscape as a Degas picture. And now for the long waited for section: BITS AND PIECES (for program files that don't seem to fit in anywhere else) SCANCODE.LZH Scancode is an .ACC thats reads the keys you press and gives you the ASCII code and other info. LONGTUT1.ARC is now revised. The 240 character filename extender program or desk accessory as such has now been reposted. ASCII text and increased speed are mentioned in it's description. Demo RS232BUF.LZH This file contains a GFA 3.5 .LST file that will show how to set the RS232 buffers. It also contains an ASCII file that talks a little bit about the RS232 buffer and how to re-size them. Both files show how to set the buffer. The ASCII file also explains a little bit about the use of the RESERVE command and the MALLOC command. CARDMAST.LZH Card Master is a shareware sports trading card database. It keeps track of all your cards, prints several reports including a "want list". It has a couple of small quirks, but it works pretty well. FRMDO12D.LZH FormDoIt alters the way that dialog boxes and alerts behave in most programs. This file is yet another revision. XCONTRL1.ARC is not a program, but rather questions, answers and discussion about XCONTROL, the new control panel from Atari. These messages are from June 23 through August 5, 1991 and are from GEnie. ARGUS.LZH ARGUS and XARGUS (both contained in the archive) display verbose disk information, such as reads and writes, in the upper-left corner. They intercept the RWABS BIOS call. Assembly source code included. WINTOOLS.ARC This is a library of GEM windows functions that make writing applications with multiple overlapping windows simple. No more walking rectangles, setting clip rectangles, calculating slider sizes and positions... it's all done for you. Comes with the MWC object and include file, and man-pages. Also comes with a demo program. UNITS.LZH This program transforms 28 categories of units from one measurement system into another. Easily switch using the arrow keys. This DEMO shows how the program works. Ordering information is included in the LZHed file. COPILOT.ARC COPILOT is a runtime version of eSTeem PILOT. eSTeem PILOT is an easy-to-learn,easy-to-use authoring language for creating tutorials, drills, tests, interactive scripts, games, simulations, device control programs, and interactive laser videodisc programs. COPILOT will run any PILOT module which contains a valid runtime code. ST_KEEP.LZH is a full featured BBS. Requires only 512K RAM, hard drive, modem. Allows 32000 users, 32000 rooms (SIGs), 32000 messages per room, 255 floors, 255 doors (on-line games, other BBS's), and 15 Groups. Xmodem CRC & 1K, Ymodem, Zmodem, and a download ratio. ANSI, VT-52, ASCII graphics support. Runs on color or mono monitor. Numerous user & sysop configuration options. GEMV109.LZH GEM-View lets you view various picture formats and manipulate them in a GEM window. Can be run as a program or a desk accessory. Version 1.09. SCSIWAIT.LZH Do you have PROBLEMS BOOTING your hard drive? Do you own a SCSI EMBEDDED hard drive? Do you have to press the reset button so that your HD will boot? If the above be true... this program's author feels that this is for you! WAITTIME.LZH Wait_Time ST - A small utility to delay or schedule programs to be executed at a later time. Use it, for example, to run unattended programs at night. Designed for use with HotWire, but will work with any shell or CLI that allows programs to be executed in sequence. Freeware for the Atari ST/STE/TT computers. DIVERT.LZH Version 2 of the Drive Diverter allows "floppy only" software to be use from hard disk - now even works with the desktop. Want to "make time?" MCLOCK.ARC This corner clock displays in 12 and 24 hour formats as well as metric time, where each hour (or hur) is 1/100 of a day. Contains source code. CLOCK17E.LZH This desk accessory clock has the option to be analog, digital or both, including the time and date. It can also have an alarm (I never did get that alarm working, though). The docs are in German. You can also resize the clock a little. It resides in the upper or lower right corner of the screen. And for the X-Rated section... HOTOUCH.LZH is another of the uploader's, "hand-picked" nude pictures. Full color, captured with ComputerEyes and Digispec (with some high tech help) to knock your socks off! A World Premier in uncompressed Spectrum SPU format. FACTS.LZH This little program was written after the author compiled certain "facts" from a text file he had. It is possibly a comical approach that informs us of a certain amount of statistical info. sexual intercourse. This is of an ADULT nature, and may be viewed as entertainment. GODANCER.LZH A Monochrome animation of a go go dancer! And for just a bit of DTP (Rusian style, -since Russia is in the news lately-) MOSCVA.ARC Sans-serif Cyrillic font for Calamus. MOSKVA6.ARC This is the newest version of Moscow Regular, sans-serif Calamus Cyrillic (Russian) font. There were a couple of characters backwards in v.05. Hopefully this will be the final version. And for this week's mini music section... Q_PLAYER.LZH QUARTET MUSIC PLAYER: Includes one song. Easy to use. 4_SONGS.LZH Four QUARTET songs with VOICE set. You can listen to these tunes if you own QUARTET or have downloaded Q_PLAYER, or Q_PLAY2. DISCPLAY.LZH This program will play large sound files (up to 910K) on a 512K machine. The above files were compiled by Ron Berinstein co-sysop CodeHead Quarters BBS (213) 461-2095 from files that were either directly uploaded to CodeHead Quarters BBS, or downloaded from GEnie, Compuserve, and Delphi online services. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GENIE To sign up for GEnie service, call (with modem) 800-638-8369. Upon connection type HHH (RETURN after that). Wait for the U#= prompt. Type XJM11877,GEnie and hit RETURN. COMPUSERVE To sign up for CompuServe service, call 800-848-8199. Ask for operator 198. You will be sent a $15.00 free membership kit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z*NET Atari Online Magazine is a weekly publication covering the Atari and related computer community. Material contained in this edition may be reprinted without permission except where noted, unedited and containing the issue number, name and author included at the top of each article reprinted. Opinions presented are those of the individual author and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the staff of Z*Net Online. This publication is not affiliated with Atari Corporation. Z*Net, Z*Net Atari Online and Z*Net News Service are Copyright 1991, Rovac Industries Incorporated, Post Office Box 59, Middlesex, New Jersey 08846-0059. Voice (908) 968-2024, BBS (908) 968- 8148 at 1200/2400 Baud 24 hours a day. We can be reached on Compuserve at PPN 71777,2140 and on GEnie at address: Z-Net. FNET NODE 593 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z*NET Atari Online Magazine Copyright 1991, Rovac Industries, Inc.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~